Fill in the form specifying your interests and start searching for arboreal plants from which you can get more benefits.
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Tree Hight
Height at MaturityIf relevant, indicate the limits of the statue of the species  

Benefits *
Pollutant RemovalIndicate the degree of interest in the ability of the species to intercept and retain (adsorb or absorb) air pollutants
(10 = maximum importance).
Overall   Specific
Overall Rate
Low VOC EmissionsIndicate the degree of interest in the reduced emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (isoprenes and monoterpenes) of the species
(10 = maximum importance)
  Low AllergenicityIndicate the degree of interest in the lower emissions of potentially allergenic pollens
(10 = maximum importance)
Carbon StorageIndicate the degree of interest in the ability of the species to accumulate carbon, that is to species with high growth of woody mass  
Air Temperature ReductionIndicate the degree of interest in the ability to decrease the air temperature. This reduction can be locally very different since it refers to average values of the locality  
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LocalitySpecify the location with stational and climatic characters more similar to the area of interest.

Estimate Values per Area Unit      
Generate Report per Specie   Genus      

In the report you will get a list of the most used tree species for urban greenery, arranged according to a score (rank) expressing the degree of compliance with chased requirements.

Climatic and site requirements are measured (if you specify the location), the correspondence to the possible required height and the value of the potential environmental benefits of species, weighted according to the specified scale of importance from 0 to 10 (*) .

In the report there are reported indicative benefit estimates for single adult plant (or m2), too, if required to display them.
